About Us
Why Choose Support the Children?
Our mission is to represent the best interest of your children so they will receive the child support they deserve and need to grow into productive and happy adults. If you are tired of the hassle trying to enforce your court order, apply for our services today. We are here to help and encourage you to contact us with your child support questions.
How We Work...
Our team of collectors, investigators and lawyers work together to provide you with a powerful child support collection system that works! For 20 years our experienced team has had impressive success enforcing current and past due support for custodial parents.
Texas Child Support...
Collection of back child support in Texas has NO time limit and is an ongoing obligation for the non-custodial parent. Many families believe when a child reaches 18, the back support cannot be enforced. Absolutely not true. Adult cases can be enforced. Contact us today for support evaluation.
Our no-risk guarantee ... We only get paid when you do!
We are Bonded and Approved by the State of Texas to help you collect your child support.
Others are receiving their child support checks, shouldn't you?
To start collecting all the money that is owed to you, simply click here to get started!